Installation view of 'Julian Rosefeldt: In the Land of Drought', on display at NGV International from 19 Apr – 29 Sep 2019<br/>
Photo: Tom Ross<br/>

Julian Rosefeldt

In the land of drought

Free entry

NGV International

Level 3, Contemporary Art & Design

19 Apr 19 – 29 Sep 19

The NGV presents the Australian premiere of Julian Rosefeldt’s latest work, In the Land of Drought 2015/2017. The German artist and filmmaker is internationally renowned for his visually opulent and meticulously choreographed moving-image artworks.

Shot entirely by drone in Morocco and Germany, In the Land of Drought 2015/2017 is set in an imaginary post-Anthropocene world and confronts the relationship between humanity and its impact on the world. The camera’s bird’s-eye view observes an army of ‘scientists’ emerging to investigate the archaeological remnants of civilisation after humanity has made itself extinct.

Composed of meditative images and atmospheric sounds, the immersive 43-minute film resonates with current concerns about environmental damage and climate change.