Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Button sample HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (manufacturer); Hall LUDLOW (designer) Button sample HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (manufacturer); Hall LUDLOW (designer) Button sample HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (manufacturer); Hall LUDLOW (designer) Button sample HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (manufacturer); Hall LUDLOW (designer) Buckle sample HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (fashion house); Hall LUDLOW (designer) Buckle sample HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (fashion house); Hall LUDLOW (designer) Tea Chan (Zen) Kim Hoa TRAM Awakening Kim Hoa TRAM Never trust a man whose eye-brows meet Jazmina CININAS No title (Bearded man), cabinet print STEPHEN SPURLING, Launceston Gulf war John SPOONER No title (Group of signed personalities) C. Stuart TOMPKINS Howard (Children overboard) John SPOONER Alphabet city echo Stephen HALEY Some may be hairy on the inside Jazmina CININAS Watch out for sympathetic wounds Jazmina CININAS Traffic light, Los Angeles Sean LOUGHREY R.M.S. Himalaya through field glasses C. Stuart TOMPKINS Nude figure Fred WILLIAMS Alert C. Stuart TOMPKINS The stick of Nantenbo Nakahara Nantenbo Music hall Fred WILLIAMS Echuca landscape Fred WILLIAMS Cleanliness is next to Godliness David HOCKNEY No title (Very young boy), carte-de-visite John WRIGHT No title (Small boy, about five years old), carte-de-visite VEREY & CO., Victoria Forest at Almerton number 2 Fred WILLIAMS No title (Young woman at cottage dorway), carte-de-visite R. Delmer SMITH William Blake Luigi SCHIAVONETTI (etcher); Thomas PHILLIPS (after) No title (Father nursing small daughter), carte-de-visite SOLOMON & BARDWELL