Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Deeringia amaranthoides Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Endiandra glauca Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Ajuga australis Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Persoonia lanceolata Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Grevillea glauca Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Banksia dentata Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Dendrophthoe vitellina Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Exocarpos cupressiformis Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Petalostigma banksii Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Claoxylon tenerifolium Sydney PARKINSON (draughtsman) Nocturne: Palaces James McNeill WHISTLER Untitled, illustration to Thomas Lirer's Chronica von allen Königen und Kaisern (scene depicting knight in armour looking down upon sparring soldiers) Conrad DINCKMUT Cupid Max KLINGER Still life with violin Gino SEVERINI Composition II K. R. H. SONDERBORG The marvellous raft Ossip ZADKINE Tricolour crested cockatoo William LIZARS (engraver); Edward LEAR (after) Hunstman sounding his horn with a staghunt in the distance Gianantonio FALDONI (engraver); Anton Maria ZANETTI (draughtsman); PARMIGIANINO (after) (Landscape with castle and buildings) Christian von HAGEDORN Drummers Hans BURGKMAIR, the Elder detail / A Person Looks At A Work of Art / someone looks at something... Peter TYNDALL They play another with the cape in an enclosure Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Mariano Ceballos, alias The Indian, kills the bull from his horse Francisco GOYA y Lucientes detail / A Person Looks At A Work Of Art / someone looks at something...#4 Peter TYNDALL Leg-splash Allen JONES Dance step I Giacomo MANZÙ The Circle of Falsifiers. Dante and Virgil covering their Noses because of the Stench William BLAKE The Circle of the Corrupt Officials. The Devils tormenting Ciampolo William BLAKE The Punt, Echuca Nicholas CAIRE Central avenue, Fitzroy Gardens Nicholas CAIRE