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Crystallization 152 Lukas WEGWERTH Raden Samba, wayang kulit puppet INDONESIAN Othering the anthropologist, Walter Baldwin Spencer Christian Thompson Sol Invictus Mike STARN; Doug STARN Devil's lion Louise ZHANG Gordon - New Cottage Oxford University UNKNOWN Tribute to the Red Army Noel COUNIHAN Sea rights too HJ Wedge Pukumani tutini Leon Puruntatameri; John Martin Tipungwuti Box CHINESE Martyrdom of a Saint UNKNOWN A River god and studies for Leda and the swan Domenico BECCAFUMI (workshop of) I, too am in Arcadia Felice GIANI Holy family with the young St John resting in front of a wall Luca CAMBIASO Group of figures before a loggia facing and gesturing to the right Study of figures grouped around the swooning Virgin Pietro Paolo BONZI Vision of a saint Fragment of a study Francesco BARBIERI The tomb of Virgil UNKNOWN Kneeling figure; study for a monk or priest kneeling Jacopo BASSANO Self portrait Self portrait study Umberto BOCCIONI Extensive landscape with a castle Domenico CAMPAGNOLA Landscape with a tower Giovanni Francesco GRIMALDI Baptism of Christ Carlo CIGNANI (attributed to) St Mark Antonio CARRACCI (attributed to) Apollo slaying Marsyas Fragment of a classical subject Luca GIORDANO (attributed to) Head of a satyr Pietro Leone GHEZZI Figures and mule Pier Francesco MOLA (circle of) Vision of a saint DOMENICHINO Head of a bearded man DOMENICHINO The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite PALMA il Giovane (attributed to) Christ seated in the clouds with the archangel Michael and two holy friars PALMA il Giovane (circle of)