Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Outfit LE KILT, London (fashion house); Samantha McCOACH (designer) Evening dress WORTH, Paris (attributed to) (couture house); Jean-Philippe WORTH (attributed to) (designer) Afternoon dress PAQUIN, Paris (couture house); Jeanne PAQUIN (designer) Evening gown and wrap BALENCIAGA, Paris (couture house); Cristóbal BALENCIAGA (designer) Untitled 1977/87 Bill HENSON Untitled 1977/87 Bill HENSON Artifacts from Tromemanner Bea MADDOCK Lady's day STEPHEN JONES, London (millinery house); Stephen JONES (designer) Punk tea towel dress JENNY BANNISTER, Melbourne (fashion house); Jenny BANNISTER (designer) Rainbow gingham BUSH COUTURE, Sydney (fashion house); Linda JACKSON (designer) Studio interior Jan SENBERGS The tête à tête Bernard BARON (engraver); William HOGARTH (painter) The Lady of Shalott John THOMPSON (wood-engraver); William Holman HUNT (draughtsman) Outfit Matthew FLINN (designer) The Condemnation to Death Jacques CALLOT The Conversion of Saint Paul Jacques CALLOT Discovery of the criminal soldiers Jacques CALLOT The battle Jacques CALLOT Plundering a large farmhouse Jacques CALLOT Plundering and burning a village Jacques CALLOT The Death of Saint Magdalen Jacques CALLOT Noblewoman with a large collar and cap falling behind Jacques CALLOT Noblewoman with a small hat lifted back Jacques CALLOT Coin, chopsticks and brush JAPANESE; CHINESE Caryatides, covered vase R. LALIQUE, Wingen-sur-Moder (manufacturer) The death blow (2) Matthew DUBOURG; John HEAVISIDE CLARK (after) Entrance of the Matador Matthew DUBOURG; John HEAVISIDE CLARK (after) The stall-keeper Eugène-Hippolyte FOREST Daedalus and Icarus Auguste DESPERET Souvenir of the first Holy communion of Bernadette Denis Maurice DENIS (after)