<em>Doll's dress</em> (c. 1865) <!-- (front view) --><br />

silk, linen, paper, metal<br />
53.0 cm (centre back) 15.7 cm (waist, flat)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Lady Nicholson and her daughter, 1951<br />
1054-D4<br />

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View on the Thames at Wapping Algernon NEWTON Classical landscape Julius Caesar IBBETSON (attributed to) The mariachis (Street singers) Raymond GLASS Nu Assis (No.XXI) (Seated Nude) Georges ROUAULT Sainte-Nitouche (No.XIX) (Goody Two-Shoes) Georges ROUAULT Bon Candidat Boudoubadabou (No.III) Georges ROUAULT Susanna and the Elders Annibale CARRACCI A Female leading a lion UNKNOWN; RAPHAEL (after) Cupid in his chariot Claude RANDON (engraver); Dominic ZAMPIERI (after) The Honorable Mrs.Leicester Stanhope UNKNOWN Perseus UNKNOWN; Annibale CARRACCI (after); Petrus AQUILA (after) The Society for the Encouragement of Arts... James BARRY Mrs Starr - People of the Day Carlo PELLEGRINI,(known as APE) Tyroler - Paysanne de Lechthal. 2-3 Habitans de Pitzthal. UNKNOWN; PERGER (after) Tyroler - Habitans du Cercle nome Pusterthal UNKNOWN; PERGER (after) Tyroler - Campenner des Environs de Botzen UNKNOWN; PERGER (after) Le Debarquement de la Reine au port de Marseille UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Christ bound UNKNOWN; Nicolas POUSSIN (after) Tyroler - Habitans de la Vallee de Passeyer UNKNOWN; PERGER (after) Virgin and Child UNKNOWN; Jean-Auguste-Dominique INGRES (after) The Inn near the grotto of Egeria UNKNOWN; Bartholemaeus BREENBERG (after) Untitled - Illustrated Bible 1550-80 Andre (?) BERNARD, (LE PETIT) Entry into Noah's Ark Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Die Jager (Plate 8) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Die Jager (Plate 12) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Sancte roche ora pro nobis UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after) The Triumph of Bacchus David BRUNN (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Two Angels Supporting the Sudarium UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) Madonna Nursing Albrecht DÜRER The Sudarium Spread Out by an Angel Albrecht DÜRER