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Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards Joseph SWAIN (wood-engraver); Frederick SANDYS (draughtsman) (Bouquets suitable for fabrics) Paul Androuet DU CERCEAU They can still be of use Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Elizabeth, Countess of Devonshire Pierre LOMBART (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Garbo PHILIP TREACY, London (millinery house); Philip TREACY (designer) Betel-box BURMESE Scene in the Jim Crow Ranges Nicholas CAIRE Betel-box BURMESE Caltha appendiculata Sydney PARKINSON (final draughtsman); Daniel MacKENZIE (engraver) Pipturus argenteus Sydney PARKINSON (final draughtsman); Gabriel SMITH (engraver) Flowers of the four seasons Yamamoto BAIITSU The lost sailor Frank SHORT (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Form 511, cup and saucer SCHÖNWALD PORCELAIN FACTORY, Schönwald (manufacturer); Heinz LOEFFELHARDT (designer) The birth of a princess!! UNKNOWN (etcher); George Moutard WOODWARD (draughtsman) Monstrosities of 1824 George CRUIKSHANK Untitled, illustration to Thomas Lirer's Chronica von allen Königen und Kaisern (Scene depicting the meeting of two groups of crowned and robed figures) Conrad DINCKMUT Antoon Triest Pieter de JODE II (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Paul de Vos Anthony van DYCK (etcher); Johannes MEYSSENS (etcher); Schelte BOLSWERT (engraver) The Reed offered to Christ Anthony van DYCK Firing the canon Jacques CALLOT Students of the sixth grade trying to behave like rhetoricians. Honoré DAUMIER If patience was banished from the rest of the world, you would find it again at a Paris bus station Honoré DAUMIER Destruction of a convent Jacques CALLOT House with a Turret, Weaver's Street, Paris Charles MERYON Study for Flight - Illustration for Herz Bergner's novel Between sky and sea Vic O'CONNOR Coats of arms of the German Empire and Nuremberg Albrecht DÜRER The Birth of the Virgin Albrecht DÜRER Sheet of studies: head of the artist, beggar couple, heads of an old man and old woman, etc. REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Christ before Caiaphas Albrecht DÜRER Untitled Donald JUDD