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Study of a man with bag Charles Samuel KEENE Diversions of Drill (Punch May 29 1897) Charles Samuel KEENE Study of rocks Clara FOLINGSBY These two sketches were intended to have been painted... James BARRY Bearded old man with head and eyes lowered, wearing a turban ornamented with fur Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Young man with his head lowered, wearing a turban, facing left Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Study for St Catherine Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI Group of allegorical figures John TALMAN Study of a man seated reading (Probably Mr Courbould) Charles KEENE Study of huntsman inquiring direction Charles KEENE Study for 'Speculation' Charles KEENE Study for The Golden Stairs Edward BURNE-JONES Study Charles KEENE German cupboard front Frank SHORT Study of woman clasping her hands to her face Charles KEENE Study for 'Recollection of Derby Day' (recto), boy in cap (verso) Charles KEENE Punch Pocket Book Charles KEENE Analytical study of Poussin's Crossing of the Red Sea Toss WOOLLASTON Analytical study of Trevisani's 'Joseph sold by his Bretheren' Toss WOOLLASTON Study of a man suspended by a hook Cecco BRAVO Study for Danae Giulio CALVI Studies of cows UNKNOWN Architectural study Domenico FOSSATI Sheet of studies: Four women's heads and two children Paul-César HELLEU (Study of a cellar, old castle, Hohenaschau) G. F. FOLINGSBY Studies for the head of Jael Carlo MARATTI Old man wearing a fur cap, facing left (Small studies of heads...) UNKNOWN; Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE (after) Man with a mustache, wearing a fur headdress, facing left Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Study for 'Sailor'.False Sailing Charles KEENE First study for 'A Complaint' Charles KEENE