Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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The lane Nornie GUDE Flower piece Vida LAHEY Drawing Stieg PERSSON Trees Jack CARINGTON SMITH Department store Edith WALL Head of a young man (Hal Coulson) Sybil CRAIG Suites des Bois Originaux du Sculpteur Aristide Maillol... Aristide MAILLOL Black sketchbook I Sybil CRAIG This group exhibiting the future enjoyment of reserved knowledge James BARRY Circular #1 VARIOUS ARTISTS Knitted poetry - thoughts within a thought Jenny CHRISTMANN Knitted poetry - thoughts within a thought Jenny CHRISTMANN Knitted poetry - thoughts within a thought Jenny CHRISTMANN Untitled Gunter CHRISTMANN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN 1 of 43 drawings by Students of Schools of Art of the U.K. UNKNOWN The Blindman (L'Aveugle) UNKNOWN; J DYCKMANS (after) The Last Supper UNKNOWN; Leonardo DA VINCI (after) Christ asleep in the arms of Mary (Jesus Christ dormant entre...) UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after) The Separation of Saints Peter and Paul(Separation de St.Pierre et Paul UNKNOWN; Jean LANFRANC (after) Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet, Act IV, Scene V UNKNOWN; Edward OPIE (after) Image de l'homme sensuel, enchante par la Volupte..... UNKNOWN; CORREGGIO (after) Martydom of Saint Stephan (Martyre de Sainct Estienne) UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after) Hercules mounting his funeral pyre (Hercule se jettant dans un...) UNKNOWN; Guido RENI (after) Saint John the Evangelist (Sainct Jean Euangeliste) UNKNOWN; VALENTIN (after) Messine Secourue Sebastien LE CLERC the elder