<em>Doll's dress</em> (c. 1865) <!-- (front view) --><br />

silk, linen, paper, metal<br />
53.0 cm (centre back) 15.7 cm (waist, flat)<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gift of Lady Nicholson and her daughter, 1951<br />
1054-D4<br />

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Scene on the Yarra Yarra Flats Fred KRUGER Coast scene, Mordialloc Creek, near Cheltenham Fred KRUGER Stewart's Island from Sealers' Cove BURTON BROTHERS, Alfred (Henry) & Walter John Twins and the flying pigeon Peggy SILINSKY Suburbia scapes John OGDEN No title (Woman, three-quarter length standing) Charles NETTLETON Untitled (Knife study) Jon CATTAPAN Granddad at home Geoffrey HARVEY Sapling forest Fred WILLIAMS Untitled Jon CATTAPAN Untitled Jon CATTAPAN Untitled Jon CATTAPAN Sequence of earth rise over moon's horizon taken from Apollo 10 lunar NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Wallops Island, (Va.), Trios IX, picture of Double Vortex with centres. 101st polar orbit pass NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Mars. Marina 9, 14 February 1972, atmospheric disruption by prominent surface features NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Apollo / Saturn V lift-off, 11.22 a.m. EST, 14 November 1969. First leg, Apollo I2 lunar mission NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Full earth showing Africa, Middle East and parts of Europe and Asia NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Egypt. Lake Nasser and Aswan Dam with the Red Sea on the horizon NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Apollo 12 lunar module with Sun glare on lunar surface NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Apollo 16. Enhanced far U.V. photo of Earth's geocorona, taken 21 April 1972 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Mars. Nix Olympica; a gigantic volcanic mountain photographed by Mariner 9 in late January NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Paper bag lovers Siri HAYES A pattern of leaves Beth PARNABY Skylab coronagraph. Colour-coded sun's corona NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Pioneer Venus Orbiter; ultraviolet spectrometer of atomic hydrogen cloud surrounding Venus NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Venus. Clouds above North Pole, 11 February 1979, viewed by infrared radiometer on Pioneer Veuns Orbiter NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) 10th January 1979 image of Venus showing dark, horizontal Y feature NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) A colossal coronal transient balloons outward from the Sun NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer) Pied Cormorant James SMEATON Voyager 2 photo of southern hemisphere of Jupiter showing its moon Io, on 25 June 1979 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer)