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Louis Hesselin Robert NANTEUIL Ladies and Death Edward BURNE-JONES The Four Angels staying the winds Albrecht DÜRER Twilight – An old French farm Alphonse LEGROS The hamlet, winter sunshine John Buxton KNIGHT remedy 2 Riley PAYNE Against all odds Brook ANDREW Minerva without a helmet Auguste RODIN Autumn moon at Ishiyama Kikugawa EIZAN (attributed to) Hakuga no Sanmi, playing the flute Totoya HOKKEI Seated woman drying her feet Théophile-Alexandre STEINLEN New risen hope Annie L. SWYNNERTON Arrival of Burke, Wills and King at the deserted camp at Cooper's Creek, Sunday evening, 21st April 1861 John LONGSTAFF Pirlari rockhole, near Jupiter Well in the Great Sandy Desert Helicopter Joe Tjungurrayi Publius Horatius UNKNOWN; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Bathers Henri FANTIN-LATOUR Two men sitting at a waterhole Kurnti Jimmy Pike Untitled Ian LOBB The balancing act Normana WIGHT Entrance to Faubourg Saint-Marceau in Paris Charles MERYON; Renier NOOMS (after) Queen Victoria Hubert HERKOMER Autumn morning, South Yarra Frederick McCUBBIN Self portrait (smoking in front of piano) Hugh RAMSAY The guest of Cockaigne Mark STRIZIC By Islington Wenceslaus HOLLAR The Japanese gown Philip Wilson STEER Startled tigers, dish WILLIAM DE MORGAN & CO., London (manufacturer); William DE MORGAN (designer) Young elephant Fred WILLIAMS Beekeeper character costume Liam YOUNG; Ane CRABTREE (designer and maker); Driely S (photographer) Code Walker character costume Liam YOUNG; Ane CRABTREE (designer and maker); Driely S (photographer)