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Thetis immersing Achilles into a vessel of water Pietro TESTA The Triumph of painting Pietro TESTA Farmer in a Wheatfield Thomas BEWICK (attributed to) Pallas Athena - The Odyssey No I Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus meets Nausikaa - The Odyssey No VII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Kirke speaking to Odysseus - The Odyssey - No XIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Slaughter of Helios' cattle - The Odyssey No XVIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Athena appears in the Guise of a shepherd - The Odyssey No XX Oskar KOKOSCHKA Head of a man Alberto GIACOMETTI Athena admonishes Telemakhos to return - The Odyssey No XXIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Antinoos throwing the stool at Odysseus - The Odyssey No XXX Oskar KOKOSCHKA Eurykleia recognizes Odysseus - The Odyssey No XXXIV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Penelope and Odysseus united - The Odyssey No XXXXI Oskar KOKOSCHKA Good morning Harrington MANN Barra William SCOTT Study of sleeve for the portrait of Madeleine Deslandes Edward BURNE-JONES Godefroid-Henri Pappenheim UNKNOWN (engraver) Large Composition Jean ATLAN Herald of awakening Gabor PETERDI The Tarantella Set George BAXTER (attributed to) Helmeted head appearing to two warriors Theodore von HOLST Landscape John CRAXTON London scribblings Jesús SOTO Blawith Bridge on Coniston Water Anthony DEVIS Man and bird Richard CRICHTON Attika + Victor VASARELY The angry mask Pierre WEMAËRE Le Vicomte Ferdinand de Lesseps - Men of the Day Carlo PELLEGRINI,(known as APE) Leopold Wilhelm of Austria UNKNOWN; David TENIERS II (after) The sea baths Michael SHANNON