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The Raft of the Tagata Pasifika (People of the Pacific) Greg Semu 24 pieces Allen RUPPERSBERG We live Ladislav SUTNAR Pamela Antoine BENOIST (engraver); Louis TRUCHY (engraver); Joseph HIGHMORE (after) We love the countryside, envelope CHINESE Ngana Nyi Mukana Meen'thama Ma'apina (We make a good one) Susie Pascoe; Maria Butcher; Doris Platt; Dorothy Short What we may expect Charles Samuel KEENE Grandpapa. "I'm afraid, Johnny, we shall not be able... Charles Samuel KEENE How we play croquet at Buddleapoor! Charles Samuel KEENE So we will go and be gypsies, all in the open air DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Arthur HUGHES (draughtsman) Juvenis. "Jolly day we had last week at McFoggarty's... Charles KEENE Birthday book (ENGLAND) How we arrange our little dinners Charles KEENE Host. "I say, my boy, shall we join Ladies in Drawing-Room?"... Charles Samuel KEENE Fa'amolemole, pe mafai ona tatou lalaga fa'atasi? (Please can I weave with you?) Maryann Talia Pau We love the countryside CHINESE We love the countryside CHINESE Duyfken (Little dove): Aboriginal print portfolio Karen Casey; Allan Mansell; Janice Murray; Pedro Wonaeamirri; Dulamari; Dhuwarrwarr Marika; Garry Namponan; Leonie Pootchemuka; Laurel Nannup; Christopher Pease Sixteen etchings of scenes on the Thames (or The Thames Set) James McNeill WHISTLER Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne C. Stuart TOMPKINS Dog Rocks No 7 Laurie WILSON Accident Fred WILLIAMS Edwin Edwards Painting Charles Samuel KEENE In progress Barbara ZERBINI Gardens Christopher KÖLLER Victoria Amazonica Humberto CAMPANA (designer); Fernando CAMPANA (designer); Trudy Inkamala; Roxanne Petrick; Rosabella Ryder; Rhonda Sharpe; Maurice Petrick; Marlene Rubuntja; Dulcie Sharpe; Dulcie Raggett; Cornelius Ebatarinja; Sonya Petrick; Louise Robertson; Janella Ebatarinja; Katherine Ryder; Elliat RICH (production designer); James B. YOUNG; ELBOWRKSHP, Alice Springs (manufacturer); CENTRE FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY, Alice Springs (manufacturer); SCHIAVELLO, Melbourne (manufacturer) Loose beads EGYPT Seven apparitions #1-7 Andrew BROWNE Untitled (2) Andrew TROLLOPE No title (Townsville and district) UNKNOWN