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Untitled G. STAFFORD Study for 'What We May Expect' Charles Samuel KEENE Study for 'Bashar Near Barmouth' Charles Samuel KEENE Imitating art Tim JOHNSON Fisherman with rainbow Leonard FRENCH The Triumph of painting Pietro TESTA Grotesque heads (Human head and wolf's head) Thomas ROWLANDSON Of what ill will he die? Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Pride Heinrich ALDEGREVER Shepherd and a dog (A man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Laudato sie, mi signore, cum tucte le tue creature... Enrico MACCIONI The jockey Henri de TOULOUSE-LAUTREC The springtime of life (The goose girl) Girolamo NERLI Symptoms of restiveness UNKNOWN (etcher); Henry William BUNBURY (draughtsman) Sheet of studies with oxen drawing a cart and a male torso Annibale CARRACCI (attributed to) Diary (Joey and I) Sally SMART Puss in Boots Joseph SWAIN; Edward LINLEY SAMBOURNE (after) Hercules and the Nemean lion Sebald BEHAM Marcus Curtius Benjamin Robert HAYDON Deer stealers pursued by sleuth hounds Briton RIVIÉRE The last resting place of Coco Pierre-Marie BEYLE Untitled G. STAFFORD Mythological subject of atheltes binding a winged lion Conrad Martin METZ Horseman Mounted for 'To This All' etc. Charles Samuel KEENE Study for 'Sanitary Measures' Charles Samuel KEENE Experiment on a rat presumed Philippe MORA Cavalry charge at Cambrai Septimus POWER The Battlefield studies of horses and refugees Mary KESSELL Double-scaled Chætodon Richard Polydore NODDER (attributed to) The Ark - Allegorical Studies UNKNOWN
15 pages89101112131415