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Australian childhood Geoffrey HARVEY Noon time-piece (April) Roger CUTFORTH Flat colour Sally MARSLAND The surrender of Ulm or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right understanding James GILLRAY 10 chairs Simon KLOSE Vessels, weapons and fishing implements used by the natives of New South Wales. Claude-Marie-François DIEN (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) The listeners Gwyn HANSSEN PIGOTT Pamela shows Mr Williams a hiding place for her letters Antoine BENOIST (engraver); Joseph HIGHMORE (after) Black & white Robert CLINCH Mystics and prophets Eugene CARCHESIO Fine scenery of Kyoto JAPANESE Europaeische Graphik I Reg BUTLER; Lynn CHADWICK; Henry MOORE; John PIPER; William SCOTT; Graham SUTHERLAND Kunwarrde Bim: Injalak Hill suite Graham Badari; Gershom Garlngarr; Gabriel Maralngurra; Roderick Maralngurra; Bardayal Nadjamerrek; Isaiah Nagurrgurrba; Glen Namundja; Wilfred Nawirridj; Joey Nganjmirra; Wesley Nganjmirra Border protection 6 Ry David BRADLEY Mr Shuter, Mr Beard and Mr Dunstall in the characters of Justice Woodcock, Hawthorn and Hodge John FINLAYSON (mezzotinter); Johan Joseph ZOFFANY (after) A photo guide to Rankyō JAPANESE First series: Some poets R. B. KITAJ A series of twelve profile portraits of Aborigines of New South Wales William FERNYHOUGH Europaeische Graphik IX Eduard BARGHEER; LE CORBUSIER; Giacomo MANZÙ; Henry MOORE; Christian RICKERT; Graham SUTHERLAND; Ossip ZADKINE Europaeische Graphik IV Eduard BARGHEER; Massimo CAMPIGLI; Otto DIX; Renato GUTTUSO; Erich HECKEL; Horst JANSSEN; Christian KRUCK; Gerhard MARCKS; Ludwig MEIDNER; Hans PURRMANN; Sergio VACCHI Botany Bay Today Micky ALLAN Occasional images from a city chamber George BALDESSIN Christ before Caiaphas Albrecht DÜRER Backlash #6 Denise GREEN Untitled self portrait #1-12 Mike PARR Elizabeth I, Queen of England Crispijn de PASSE the elder (engraver); Isaac OLIVIER I (after) That imbecile Dubrancard, instead of spending 300 francs for this dance-evening where they are just serving tea, he should rather have invited us for a good meal. (opinion of those who do not dance) Honoré DAUMIER Panton chair HERMAN MILLER, Michigan (manufacturer); Verner PANTON (designer) This is exactly how I feel right now Tracey EMIN The vision of St Stanislaus Arthur LOUREIRO