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Constable Fitzpatrick and Kate Kelly Sidney NOLAN Josephine signing the act of her divorce E. M. WARD Sophonisba receiving the poison Mattia PRETI The Lords & Ladies of the Castle - Early 16th Century Gustave DORÉ A Pastoral Under Louis the XV Gustave DORÉ Paolo and Francesca da Rimini Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI Paolo and Francesca UNKNOWN; Gustave DORÉ (after) Study for Anne of Denmark and James VI of Scotland G. F. FOLINGSBY Illustration to Jack the Giant Killer Robert Anning BELL Untitled, illustration to Thomas Lirer's Chronica von allen Königen und Kaisern (scene depicting knight in armour looking down upon sparring soldiers) Conrad DINCKMUT Godiva DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); William Holman HUNT (draughtsman) Diogenes and his dish Salvator ROSA King Arthur and the weeping queens DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI (draughtsman) Titlepage: Historie d'Angleterre d'Ecosse et d'Irlande UNKNOWN; Adriaen van der WERFF (after) The Judgement of Hercules (Herculis Judicium) UNKNOWN; Nicolas POUSSIN (after) Pyramus and Thisbe UNKNOWN; Leonard BRAMER (after) Queen Dagmar DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John TENNIEL (draughtsman) Illustration to Jack the Giant Killer Robert Anning BELL Illustration to Jack the Giant Killer Robert Anning BELL King Sigurd the Crusader DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); Edward BURNE-JONES (draughtsman) Titus rescuing Basilides Pietro TESTA Bunyan in prison G. F. FOLINGSBY The defenestration, 1618 Václav BROŽÍK Roman Charity Johan Joseph ZOFFANY The flight of Jane Shore Val PRINSEP Trajan and the Widow: a panel from a cassone THE MASTER OF THE SANTA FELICITÀ ADORATION OF THE MAGI
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