Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Button samples HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (manufacturer); Hall LUDLOW (designer) No title (Sir Dallas Brooks and family in, loungeroom) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (General Robertson) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mr P.E. Everett with arms crossed) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Lord Mayor of London arriving at Government House) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Sir Gleftten Eager) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mr P.E. Everett) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (The two Royal Princes, one in pram) C. Stuart TOMPKINS The Corso, Manly, Sydney UNKNOWN No title (Mr R. G. Casey with pipe, double negative) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Coastline, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Ruins of fortification, Edinburgh, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Street scene, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Foscombe house, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Woman on a balcony, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Street scene, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Cathedral, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Old town, Edinburgh, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Couple holding hands, Edinburgh, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Woman on donkey, Edinburgh, Scotland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Cathedral, Milan) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Building, Venice) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Mountains, Switzerland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Puppies, Switzerland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Horses, San Marco, Venice) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Group of iceskaters, Switzerland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Landscape, Switzerland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Landscape, Switzerland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Group portrait, Switzerland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS No title (Hikers, Switzerland) C. Stuart TOMPKINS