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The quarrel: Old cross G. J. PINWELL First series: Some poets R. B. KITAJ A series of twelve profile portraits of Aborigines of New South Wales William FERNYHOUGH Europaeische Graphik IX Eduard BARGHEER; LE CORBUSIER; Giacomo MANZÙ; Henry MOORE; Christian RICKERT; Graham SUTHERLAND; Ossip ZADKINE Europaeische Graphik IV Eduard BARGHEER; Massimo CAMPIGLI; Otto DIX; Renato GUTTUSO; Erich HECKEL; Horst JANSSEN; Christian KRUCK; Gerhard MARCKS; Ludwig MEIDNER; Hans PURRMANN; Sergio VACCHI Waverton Lloyd REES Barge on the Oise, evening, Île de Vaux Charles-François DAUBIGNY Fern Tree Gully, Table Mountain, Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land John Skinner PROUT Landscape with a clump of trees Théodore ROUSSEAU Hilaire Syme Alice MILLS; BROOTHORN STUDIOS, Melbourne The bridge William Blamire YOUNG Blue waters of Algeciras Charles CONDER The departure of the hop pickers Alfred MUNNINGS Black Hill Moss Charles HOLMES (Landscape with rainbow) Charles ROLANDO The Sunny South Tom ROBERTS The burning of a heretic SASSETTA Parched Dacre STUBBS The hour of the boar, Fourth hour of night Utagawa KUNISADA Yoshino in Yamato Province Utagawa KUNISADA Good paticience Utagawa HIROSHIGE Mill near the Grand Chartreuse, Dauphiny Frank SHORT (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Perseus killing Medusa Pietro AQUILA; Annibale CARRACCI (after) Detail of the ceiling decoration in the Camerino Farnese Pietro AQUILA; Annibale CARRACCI (after) Details of the ceiling decoration in the Camerino Farnese Pietro AQUILA; Annibale CARRACCI (after) Boots F. PINET, Paris (shoemaker); Jean-Louis François PINET (designer) Dorothy White, 85 Ruth MADDISON Botany Bay Today Micky ALLAN Souvenir of my ascent of the Eiffel Tower L. WARNIER (editor); G. BATAILLE (lithographer) Very unpleasant weather or The old saying verified: Raining cats, dogs and pitchforks George CRUIKSHANK (etcher); A. E. (draughtsman)