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Antique lace 3 Cecilia HEFFER Commando escorting Dr Verwoerd to the 50th anniversary celebrations of the National Party, de Wildt, Transvaal, October 1964 David GOLDBLATT Covered cup and saucer CHELSEA-DERBY, London (manufacturer) Young woman of the Buruberongal tribe, with her child on her shoulders, New South Wales Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Native huts. Peron Peninsula. Eendracht Land (View of Bernier Island and part of Dorre Island) Victor PILLEMENT (engraver); François Denis NÉE (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Ourou-Maré (called Bulldog), a young warrior of the Gweagal tribe, New South Wales Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Weapons and Ornaments Claude-Marie-François DIEN (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Malay infantryman from Solor Island, seen at Kupang François-Martin TESTARD (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Cour-rou-bari-gal, sauvage des environs du Port Jackson Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Plan of Cumberland Country, New South Wales: New Holland (based on English maps, incorporating the French observations) UNKNOWN (engraver); UNKNOWN (after) Bara-ourou, young native of Van Dieman's Land Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) New Holland cassowaries, Kangaroo Island LAMBERT FRÈRES (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Molluscs and zoophytes CHOUBARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Asterina, a young Malay slave from Roti Island, seen at Kupang François-Martin TESTARD (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Malay combs and various utensils for betel users François-Martin TESTARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Native of the Mozambique coast Barthélemy ROGER (engraver); Nicolas-Martin PETIT (after) Dress and trousers CLAUDE MONTANA, Paris (fashion house); Claude MONTANA (designer) Cartoucherie de l'Avenue Rapp (Détail) Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Montmartre, Rue des Rosiern Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Rue Royale Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Pair of Queen's vases MINTON, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire (manufacturer); SÈVRES PORCELAIN FACTORY, Sèvres (after) Barricades des Quai Pelletier et du pont d'Arcole (hôtel de Ville) Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Place Vendôme. Partie droite de la barricade de la Rue Castiglione Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Palais des Tuileries - Pavillion de Flore Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Théâtre de la Porte Jains Martin Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Palais des Tuileries - Intérieur Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Rue de Bac Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Veuilly Bruno BRAQUEHAIS Ainu robe JAPANESE, Ainu people Piazza San Pietro, Vatican, Rome Les GRAY