Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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First study for 'Indigestible' Charles Samuel KEENE Finished drawing for 'Our Medical Students' Charles Samuel KEENE Finished drawing for 'Juvenile Vagrancy' Charles Samuel KEENE Finished drawing for 'Our Village Industrial Competition' Charles Samuel KEENE Finished drawing for 'Sagacity' Charles Samuel KEENE Study of man and woman surprised under cliff Charles Samuel KEENE Studies of a man in dressing gown with poker Charles Samuel KEENE Scotch Sailers Charles Samuel KEENE Mother and child James Havard THOMAS Mother and child Paul-César HELLEU Study for The Golden Stairs Edward BURNE-JONES St Peter and St John Healing the Cripple Albrecht DÜRER Man of Sorrows by the column Albrecht DÜRER Pilate washing his hands Albrecht DÜRER The Betrayal of Christ Albrecht DÜRER The Madonna by the wall Albrecht DÜRER The Crucifixion (Round) Albrecht DÜRER The cook and his wife Albrecht DÜRER St. Christopher Facing to the Right Albrecht DÜRER Saint Jerome in Penitence (Hollstein) Albrecht DÜRER (attributed to) Three peasants in conversation Albrecht DÜRER Peasant Couple Dancing Albrecht DÜRER The Holy Family with Five Angels Albrecht DÜRER The Patron Saints of Austria Albrecht DÜRER Coat of arms of Johann Stabius Albrecht DÜRER Illustration to Jack the Giant Killer Robert Anning BELL Helius Eobanus Hessus Albrecht DÜRER The Carthusian Madonna with Saint Bruno and John the Baptist Albrecht DÜRER (attributed to) Illustration for "Eunuchus", Act III, scene 5 Albrecht DÜRER Illustration for "Andria", Act V, scene 6 Albrecht DÜRER