William LARKIN<br/>
<em>Mary, Lady Vere</em> (c. 1612-1615) <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
183.0 x 102.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased with funds donated by Leigh Clifford AO and Sue Clifford, Alan and Mavourneen Cowen, the Fox Family Foundation, donors to the Larkin Appeal and the proceeds of the National Gallery of Victoria Annual Dinner, 2014<br />
2014.553<br />

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Mrs Maria Elizabeth O'Mullane UNKNOWN Doll birth, 1972 Tracey MOFFATT Useless, 1974 Tracey MOFFATT Fragment 22: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 16: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 8: The third wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 14: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 8: The first wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 15: The third wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 18: The third wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 17: The fifth wave Harry NANKIN Fragment 7: The fifth wave Harry NANKIN Bad dream in Venice and Los Angeles, March 29, 1978 Robert FRANK A delegation tries unsuccessfully to deliver the proclamation to the senior police officer at the drill site Michael GALLAGHER Cover Maurice DENIS 25th July 1980. AMAX arrives a fourth time, and stays several months. Aborigines blocking the road to the site are told that the road through Noonkanbah and the drill site have been resumed by the Government. AMAX makes their camp Michael GALLAGHER All that false instruction Emily FLOYD Permaculture one Emily FLOYD 25th July 1980. AMAX arrives a fourth time, and stays several months. Aborigines blocking the road to the site are told that the road through Noonkanbah and the drill site have been resumed by the Government. AMAX makes their camp Michael GALLAGHER The boltwhole Les TANNER Where do you come from? Planet Earth? (Self-portrait with radio telescope) Raymond de BERQUELLE Untitled Adam CULLEN Attitudes are easy and chaste Maurice DENIS 2nd April. 6am. Ivan McPhee tells the AMAX man to get off Noonkanbah. Five hours later, after much more talk, the drillers pack up and leave Michael GALLAGHER 29th March. In the early hours of the morning AMAX return with a police escort. Later that morning, during a long meeting in 45°C heat, Dickie Skinner once more carefully stated the Noonkanbah position - and once more it was rejected Michael GALLAGHER 29th March. In the early hours of the morning AMAX return with a police escort. Later that morning, during a long meeting in 45°C heat, Dickie Skinner once more carefully stated the Noonkanbah position - and once more it was rejected Michael GALLAGHER Striking coal miner at lunch Roger GARWOOD A singular animal called kanguroo, found on the coast of New Holland UNKNOWN Teddy and me, summer of '56 Geoffrey HARVEY Solar eruption of June 10 1973, Spectroheliogram obtained by Skylab 2. July – September 1973 NASA, Washington, D.C. (manufacturer)