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Mousehold Heath John CROME Repose Max KLINGER The musicians Andrea ANDREANI (woodcutter); Bernardo MALPIZZI (draughtsman); Andrea MANTEGNA (after) Harbour from an Arab citadel Allan McNAB Ideas for sculpture Henry MOORE Strange devotion! Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Gathered corpses Francisco GOYA y Lucientes This is bad Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Cruel pity! Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Red Fifteen Dr Julian SMITH Template for a frame (berry and leaf motif) Edmund Joseph COX October: Scorpio; the month of sowing seed MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) Force of air on Ulswater (Aira Force on Ullswater, Cumbria) Anthony DEVIS Richard Mead MD Bernard BARON (engraver); Allan RAMSAY (after) Notes to Basquiat: Poet and Muse Gordon BENNETT A lame beggar leading a woman with a cane to the right Cornelis MASSYS Glebe lady's son's dogs Geoff BEECHE Unyoked heifers loitering homeward, low William BLAKE Colinet mocked by two boys William BLAKE Eucalyptus forrestiana Margaret STONES Tumblers number 2 Fred WILLIAMS Knaresborough above Droping Rock Anthony DEVIS Orazio Gentileschi Richard GAYWOOD (engraver); Paulus PONTIUS (after); Anthony van DYCK (after) The Bellini chair Mario BELLINI (designer); HELLER INC., New York (manufacturer) Rabble Francisco GOYA y Lucientes The talkies Will DYSON Thelymitra ixioides, Thelymitra aristata, Burchardia umbrellata, Stypandra caespitosa, Stypandra umbellata Fanny Anne CHARSLEY Djang'kawu story John Mandjuwi Achilles dragging Hector's corpse around the walls of Troy Pietro TESTA David playing before Saul Leonard BRAMER