Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Adam and Eve UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) Caricatures Anti-Choleriques"La Puer du mal donne le mal de la puer BENARD Titus rescuing Basilides Pietro TESTA Ferntree or Dobson's Gully, Dandenong Ranges Eugene von GUÉRARD A man and a woman walking Charles KEENE Study for 'Flattering' Charles KEENE Man in a top hat facing left Charles KEENE Creation of Eve Lucas van LEYDEN Moonlight Henri van RAALTE The Return of the Prodigal Son REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Sheet of studies REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Beggar leaning on a stick, facing left REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Lady and the Unicorn UNKNOWN; DOMENICHINO (after) Mars and Venus UNKNOWN Adoration of the shepherds Luca FERRARI Vision of a saint Bartolomeo LETTERINI (attributed to) Two men with turbans GUERCINO (attributed to) Jeremiah (?) Marcello PROVENZALE (attributed to) Mountain landscape with classical buildings, shepherd and sheep Thomas GAINSBOROUGH Annette William Lee HANKEY Don Quichotte trompe par Sancho...(Don Quichotte 1 of 24 plates) Charles COYPEL Interior Chapel of St.Lawrence G. B. RICHARDSON Entree de L'Amour et de la Richesse...(Don Quichotte 1 of 24 plates UNKNOWN; Charles-Antoine COYPEL (after) Don Quichotte prenant des Marionnettes(Don Quichotte 1 of 24 plates UNKNOWN; Charles-Antoine COYPEL (after) Don Quichotte fait demander...(Don Quichotte 1 of 24 plates) Charles COYPEL (attributed to) The white one Murray GRIFFIN Rcumbent bear, seen from the front, drinking from a bowl UNKNOWN; Baron François-Pascal-Simon GÉRARD (after) Drinking bear, seen in three-quarter view UNKNOWN; Baron François-Pascal-Simon GÉRARD (after) Otho Abraham de BRUYN Bank holiday Ethel SPOWERS