William LARKIN<br/>
<em>Mary, Lady Vere</em> (c. 1612-1615) <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
183.0 x 102.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased with funds donated by Leigh Clifford AO and Sue Clifford, Alan and Mavourneen Cowen, the Fox Family Foundation, donors to the Larkin Appeal and the proceeds of the National Gallery of Victoria Annual Dinner, 2014<br />
2014.553<br />

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Who is rich? Whoever covets nothing Wenceslaus HOLLAR Resist the beginning Wenceslaus HOLLAR A Wenceslaus HOLLAR (etcher); Francis CLEYN (after) Herons Francis PLACE (attributed to); Francis BARLOW (after) Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR A lame woman with her crutch in the air holds the sleeve of her companion Cornelis MASSYS Two Horses at a Trough Dirck STOOP Man Holding a Horse by the Bridle Dirck STOOP Man, seen on his Back, sitting on the Ground with five Dogs Dirck STOOP Sir Francis Drake Jacob HOUBRAKEN (engraver); Hubert-François GRAVELOT (engraver and draughtsman) Paolo and Francesca UNKNOWN; Gustave DORÉ (after) A 'duinopschuit', a smaller sailing boat and a row boat Renier NOOMS My life inspires so many desires Patrick CAULFIELD Irish coast Clara FOLINGSBY (Non-objective composition) Victor VASARELY Lake of Starnberg Clara FOLINGSBY Study of colour Clara FOLINGSBY Study of a boat (Dugout) Clara FOLINGSBY Rocky coast scene, Ireland Clara FOLINGSBY (Cottage, Fair Head, Ireland) Clara FOLINGSBY Study for picture of G. D. Carter, Mayor, Melbourne, 1885 G. F. FOLINGSBY Study for Anne of Denmark and James VI of Scotland G. F. FOLINGSBY Study of window and panel, Tratzberg Castle, Jenbach G. F. FOLINGSBY (Study of interior with figures) G. F. FOLINGSBY Christ in the house of Simon the Pharisee UNKNOWN (engraver); Marcantonio RAIMONDI (after) (engraver); Giulio ROMANO (after); Gianfrancesco PENNI (after) Study of a woman's head G. F. FOLINGSBY Pasture lands John SHIRLOW The weeping gallery director Peter NICHOLSON Han Shan Exit 6 Brice MARDEN Han Shan Exit 3 Brice MARDEN