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Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1504 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustration Bible by Petri Regnault, Paris 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, 1540 UNKNOWN Untitled - Illustrated Bible by Petri Regnault, 1540 UNKNOWN Lime Barge A.G. VICKERS The Basket marker - Arts and Trades UNKNOWN; Jan van VLIET (after) Landscape John VARLEY Eagle crag from Masthwait John VARLEY Untitled I (?) WANSTERMAN (attributed to) Study of man with two dogs Richard WESTALL Fighting for the Standard, Marslon Moor UNKNOWN; A. COOPER (after) The Birth of the Thames UNKNOWN; Maria COSWAY (after) Lord Wentworth UNKNOWN; Hans HOLBEIN (after) Portrait of a lady in white headdress UNKNOWN; Hans HOLBEIN (after) Portrait of a man in black cap and collar UNKNOWN; Hans HOLBEIN (after) Vue de Flandres UNKNOWN; David TENIERS II (after) La Reine prend le parti de la paix UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Three putti UNKNOWN; François BOUCHER (after) Maria Stuart UNKNOWN; Caspar NETSCHER (after); H. POTHOVEN (after) Henry Voguell Esq of London UNKNOWN; Ant. PESNE (after) Mr Richard Trubey UNKNOWN; Thomas STEWARDSON (after) The Lady Constance UNKNOWN; Franz Xaver WINTERHALTER (after) Returning from market UNKNOWN; Augustus CALLCOTT (after) Plymouth Sound UNKNOWN; J. M. W. TURNER (after) Comb Martin UNKNOWN; J. M. W. TURNER (after) Alexander giving up his favourite mistress Campaspe to Apelles UNKNOWN; William MILLER (after)