Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Die Jager (Plate 2) Daniel CHODOWIECKI The Philosopher Diogenes searching for an honest man Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Virgo dei genitrix .... UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after) El Dean y Cabildo de la Santa Iglesia Catheral... Gaspard DUCHANGE St Phillip,St Matthew Lucas CRANACH I St Paul,St Bartholemew Lucas CRANACH I The Monstrous Sow of Landser Albrecht DÜRER Pierot UNKNOWN; Antoine WATTEAU (after) Young man wearing a fur ...(Small Studies of Heads in Oriental...) Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE Girl at well-side UNKNOWN; Martin Archer SHEE (after) Emperor Rudolphus II UNKNOWN; Ad de VRIS (after) La Tentation de St Antoine UNKNOWN; David TENIERS II (after) Souvent la femme vaire... UNKNOWN; Richard Parkes BONINGTON (after) Penelope, Lady Herbert Pierre LOMBART (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) The Duke of York UNKNOWN; Joshua REYNOLDS (after) Pigritia UNKNOWN; Adriaen BROUWER (after) Rachel, Countess of Middlesex Pierre LOMBART (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) The Lake of Monteith D. Y. CAMERON Herne Bay Pier C. BURTON Rustic scene with two women and two children UNKNOWN; François BOUCHER (after) Joannes Paulus Bignon, Abbas Lucretia Cath. de la ROUE (after) Jean Thierry UNKNOWN; Nicolas de LARGILLIERRE (after) Le Tems decouvre la Verite (Time discovering Truth ) UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Amongst the corn UNKNOWN; G. J. PINWELL (after) The Viking and the maid UNKNOWN; G. J. PINWELL (after) Asleep UNKNOWN; Frederick WALKER (after) Romola No 2 UNKNOWN; Frederic LEIGHTON (after) The Hand shake UNKNOWN; Edward et al BARNARD (after) The Letter UNKNOWN; William SMALL (after) The Entombment UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after)