William LARKIN<br/>
<em>Mary, Lady Vere</em> (c. 1612-1615) <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
183.0 x 102.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased with funds donated by Leigh Clifford AO and Sue Clifford, Alan and Mavourneen Cowen, the Fox Family Foundation, donors to the Larkin Appeal and the proceeds of the National Gallery of Victoria Annual Dinner, 2014<br />
2014.553<br />

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Jacoba, Duchess of Bavaria, Countess of Holland Jacob FOLKEMA (engraver); Tako Hajo JELGERSMA (draughtsman); Jan MOSTAERT (after) Sir Thomas Fairfax (1612-1671) William FAITHORNE; R. WALKER (after) Pierfrancesco Pauli Ottavio LEONI Guiseppe Cesari, called Cavaliere d'Arpino Ottavio LEONI TV drawing: No worries!; seedlings; an overall picture (man wearing glasses) Eric THAKE TV drawing: Dentist; Nelton AO 74 today!; The France; Sir Hinery; Mr Agnew; Isis pond; (portrait of man with cap) Eric THAKE Page 3: Blue orange Bea MADDOCK What about crosswalks in Mildura? Tim BURNS At last, a find! Pippins’ horse is delighted Hablot Knight BROWNE The eastern market from top of Whittington Tavern J. B. PHILP; Henry GRITTEN (after); Charles TROEDEL (printer and publisher) He lives only for the night Peter ELLIS; Tobsha LEARNER (author) The dead bee Peter ELLIS; Tobsha LEARNER (author) The idle 'prentice at play in the churchyard during Divine Service William HOGARTH Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR The idle 'prentice betray'd by his whore, and taken in a night cellar with his accomplice William HOGARTH The fruit of work is glory Wenceslaus HOLLAR Aerial perspective view of the Temple of Jerusalem Wenceslaus HOLLAR Torre Abbey, Devon Wenceslaus HOLLAR Teng plant (Thunder god vine) Wenceslaus HOLLAR Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR Jackfruit trees Wenceslaus HOLLAR A woman of quality of Cologne Wenceslaus HOLLAR A Religious woman of Antwerp Wenceslaus HOLLAR Joshua, David, Judas Maccabeus Lucas van LEYDEN Abijah, Asa, Jehosafat Lucas van LEYDEN The head of John the Baptist presented to Herod Lucas van LEYDEN The Last Supper MASTER F. A. W.