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A flight of fairies Robert Anning BELL Jacob dreaming of the angel's ladder UNKNOWN Design for a Paradiso PALMA il Giovane The Opening of the Fifth and Sixth Seals Albrecht DÜRER Duca di Parma and Piacenia Gio Batta SINTES Tobias and the angel Etienne COURNAULT The Virgin in repose on a cross, crowned by two angels Theodor GALLE Untitled (landscape) Stieg PERSSON The Messenger Charles SHANNON L' Histoire guidee par son Genie... UNKNOWN; Bernard PICART (after) The Four Avenging Angels of the Euphrates Albrecht DÜRER The guardian angel Charles WILLIAMS Study for an altar BACCHIACCA Neptune and Amphitrite Paolo FARINATI The Flight into Egypt CLAUDE LORRAIN Hans Bol Hendrick GOLTZIUS The Devil carrying the Lucchese Magistrate to the Boiling-Pitch Pool of Corrupt Officials William BLAKE The Harlot and the Giant William BLAKE La Reine s'enfuit de la ville de Blois UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) St John Devouring the Book Albrecht DÜRER The Resurrection Hendrick GOLTZIUS Annunciation UNKNOWN; Federico ZUCCARO (after) L' Apotheose d' Henri IV et la Regence de la Reine UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Il Penseroso 8 Kenny MEADOWS Terce: The Annunciation to the Shepherds MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) Le Debarquement de la Reine au port de Marseille UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Annunciation to the shepherds Jan SADELER I (engraver); Jacopo BASSANO (after) Two Angels Supporting the Sudarium UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) St Matthew UNKNOWN; Heinrich ALDEGREVER (after) The Virgin and Child with two angels Lucas van LEYDEN
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