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W William CARTER (attributed to) A man with a wooden leg turning a lame woman under his arm Cornelis MASSYS Virgin, child and a saint adoring God the father Bartolomé Esteban MURILLO (attributed to) The two gossips David DEUCHAR; Adriaen van OSTADE (after) Medea returning the Penates to Jason Georg PENCZ Seated child with doll Paul SANDBY Rearing Horse, near a Stable Dirck STOOP The Nativity Jacob Cornelisz van OOSTSANEN From the longships light house John RUSKIN; James Charles ARMYTAGE (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Landscape at dawn. Aurora Hendrik GOUDT; Adam ELSHEIMER (after) The Virgin and Child with Saint Clare and the Holy Spirit UNKNOWN; Justus SADELER (after) Samson destroying the Temple UNKNOWN View of inland waterway with fisherman Renier NOOMS The dog on the kennel James McNeill WHISTLER Brunonia australis, Craspedia richea, Dianella revoluta, Lobelia pedunculata, Convolvulus erubescenes, Ammobium alatum, Helichrysum bracteatum, Lobelia simplicicaulis Fanny Anne CHARSLEY Russell Street, the jail John SHIRLOW Hummock in landscape Fred WILLIAMS Summit in the You Yangs Fred WILLIAMS Abutilon menziesii Margaret STONES Lady Fred WILLIAMS Portrait of a gentleman in a red coat Samuel COTES A married woman from Zurich Wenceslaus HOLLAR An unmarried woman from Basle Wenceslaus HOLLAR A bride from Strassburg Wenceslaus HOLLAR A city woman from Berne Wenceslaus HOLLAR (A Roman spinner) William GREATBACH; Penry WILLIAMS (after) The boy and dog William HUMPHREYS (engraver); Lawrence LAWRENCE (after) George, Earl of Egremont John Samuel AGAR (engraver); J. WRIGHT (draughtsman); Thomas PHILLIPS (after) La Mi-Carême Charles CONDER Saint Mary Woolnoth Church and Lombard Street Stanley ANDERSON