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The Passion Nicolaes de BRUYN Calcium light night Eduardo PAOLOZZI Arthur Streeton letter to Tom Roberts Arthur STREETON Set of six plates MINTON, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire (manufacturer); Walter CRANE (designer); THEODORE B. STARR, New York (retailer) White ware Patrick CAULFIELD The Life of the Virgin Albrecht DÜRER Event for stretched skin through 360° STELARC Caloola Lloyd REES Alphabet folio Carol JERREMS The Engraved Passion Albrecht DÜRER The Story of the Prodigal Son Sebald BEHAM La Petite Passion (The Small Passion) Jacques CALLOT Set of four plates MINTON, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire (manufacturer); Walter CRANE (designer); THOMAS GOODE & CO. LTD, London (retailer) Illustrations to The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri William BLAKE The History of Noah Crispijn de PASSE the elder; Marten de VOS (after) Dessert service ENGLAND, Staffordshire (manufacturer) Zone Deborah WALKER The Apocalypse Len ANNOIS The Nobility of Lorraine Jacques CALLOT Illustrations to The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri William BLAKE The road to ruin Léopold FLAMENG (engraver); William Powel FRITH (after) Lycanthropy survival hints Jazmina CININAS Illustrations to J.D.G. Medley's Stolne and surreptitious verses Helen OGILVIE Button samples HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (manufacturer); Hall LUDLOW (designer) A tribute to light Lloyd REES Button samples HALL LUDLOW, Melbourne (manufacturer); Hall LUDLOW (designer) An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales: with Remarks on the Dispositions, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Native Inhabitants of that Country. To which are added, some particulars of New Zealand; compiled, by permission, from the Mss. of Lieutenant-Governor King David COLLINS (author) Seven dhoeri George Nona Etching in four parts Robert RYMAN Pray for beauty Raymond de BERQUELLE