William LARKIN<br/>
<em>Mary, Lady Vere</em> (c. 1612-1615) <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
183.0 x 102.0 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Purchased with funds donated by Leigh Clifford AO and Sue Clifford, Alan and Mavourneen Cowen, the Fox Family Foundation, donors to the Larkin Appeal and the proceeds of the National Gallery of Victoria Annual Dinner, 2014<br />
2014.553<br />

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The Most noble the Marquis of Salisbury UNKNOWN; E.U. EDDIS (after) The Necklace UNKNOWN; DUBAS (possibly after); DUBUFE (possibly after) Queen Victoria's First Assembly UNKNOWN; David WILKIE (after) Castle of Ischia UNKNOWN; Clarkson STANFIELD (after) James Bentley Esq UNKNOWN; John Buxton KNIGHT (after) Greenwich pensioners commemorating the Battle of Trafalgar John BURNET Crucifixion UNKNOWN; Anthony van DYCK (?MEYSSENS) (after); Hubert QUELLINUS (after) The Blindman (L'Aveugle) UNKNOWN; J DYCKMANS (after) The Last Supper UNKNOWN; Leonardo DA VINCI (after) Christ asleep in the arms of Mary (Jesus Christ dormant entre...) UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after) The Separation of Saints Peter and Paul(Separation de St.Pierre et Paul UNKNOWN; Jean LANFRANC (after) Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet, Act IV, Scene V UNKNOWN; Edward OPIE (after) Image de l'homme sensuel, enchante par la Volupte..... UNKNOWN; CORREGGIO (after) Martydom of Saint Stephan (Martyre de Sainct Estienne) UNKNOWN; Agostino CARRACCI (after) Hercules mounting his funeral pyre (Hercule se jettant dans un...) UNKNOWN; Guido RENI (after) Saint John the Evangelist (Sainct Jean Euangeliste) UNKNOWN; VALENTIN (after) Miss Cumberland, Lady Edward Bentinck UNKNOWN; George ROMNEY (after) Messine Secourue Sebastien LE CLERC the elder La Bataille donnee a Sintzheim. Sebastien LE CLERC the elder Prince Charles, Edward and the Highlanders UNKNOWN; Thomas DUNCAN (after) Sortie de la Garnison de Gand Juan DOLIVAR Bataille de Cassel Sebastien LE CLERC the elder 1 of 15 views,plans,etc of the Louvre & Palace of Tuilleries UNKNOWN Evening glow UNKNOWN; Karl HEFFNER (after) Study for 'Luther on the Road to Worms' Charles Samuel KEENE Study for the Gnome Charles Samuel KEENE Study for 'The Settlers' Charles Samuel KEENE My boy audience Charles Samuel KEENE Study for bus driver, etc Charles Samuel KEENE Study for Punch index Charles Samuel KEENE