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Hector of Troy, Alexander of Macedon, Julius Caesar Lucas van LEYDEN Village romance Adriaen van OSTADE Adam and Eve hiding Crispijn de PASSE the elder; Marten de VOS (after) Providence and Justice Hans COLLAERT I (engraver); Marten de VOS (after) Noah's first vintage Crispijn de PASSE the elder; Marten de VOS (after) The Heart urged by Jesus, Lady World and Satan Anton WIERIX II Jesus seated on a chair holding an open book Anton WIERIX II Hashish smokers Honoré DAUMIER Dunstanburgh Castle J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Little Devil's Bridge over the Russ above Altdorft, Switzerland J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Watercress gatherers J. M. W. TURNER; Thomas LUPTON (engraver) Bonneville, Savoy J. M. W. TURNER; Henry DAWE (engraver) Bonneville, Savoy J. M. W. TURNER; Henry DAWE (engraver) The killing of the fatted calf Jacques CALLOT Marriage à-la-mode, plate 3: Scene with the quack William RADCLYFFE (engraver); William HOGARTH (after) Bodice THE COLOSSEUM, Prahan, Melbourne (manufacturer and retailer) Landscape WANG Gai The funeral William HOGARTH France William HOGARTH Ngurra-Mala Daisy Ngawaia Nalyirri Waiting Gwyn HANSSEN PIGOTT Cast dress no. 2 HUSSEIN CHALAYAN, London (fashion house); Hussein CHALAYAN (designer) Molluscs and zoophytes CHOUBARD; Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Double moonbow 2 Lesley DUXBURY The kanguroo, an animal found on the coast of New Holland UNKNOWN; George STUBBS (after) Malay dwellings, Timor François-Martin TESTARD (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) The Grave, A Poem Luigi SCHIAVONETTI (etcher); William BLAKE (draughtsman) A Spanish mounted knight in the ring breaking short spears without the help of assistants Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Saints Roch and Nicholas invoking the aid of the Virgin Pietro TESTA Liverdun James McNeill WHISTLER