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The lesson Bernard de HOOG The Bridge in-curve Grace Cossington SMITH The Martyrdom of St Catherine Albrecht DÜRER The Holy Family with two Angels in a Vaulted Hall Albrecht DÜRER Fardier and Voiture de Laitière Victor-Jean ADAM The coal wagon Théodore GERICAULT Towards the forest II Edvard MUNCH Bird of paradise Margaret PRESTON On the north side of London Wenceslaus HOLLAR Power point, Penelope Sing and Lindy Anderson’s house, Garrwa One camp Miriam Charlie From him to her, for Mo Stahr, bangle Gerd ROTHMANN Bathers in Brittany Paul GAUGUIN Untitled (cloaked figure of a nobleman, on rounded hill) Lucas CRANACH I (attributed to) R.H. Croll John SHIRLOW The embroiderers Henri FANTIN-LATOUR Pont Neuf and La Samaritaine Eugène BÉJOT A witness for the defence Will DYSON The entombment Martin SCHONGAUER The Harbour of St. Servan Eugène BÉJOT The potato gatherers Félix BRACQUEMOND; Jules BRETON (after) How to pick up a rum one to look at and a good one to go, in Smithfield Theodore LANE Grand Canal looking north-east to the Rialto Bridge Bernardo BELLOTTO Order of St Benedict (The Benedictine Tree) Wenceslaus HOLLAR The Holy Family with St. Anne and Joachim UNKNOWN New Holland cassowaries, Kangaroo Island LAMBERT FRÈRES (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) The Good Samaritan treating the wounds of the man who fell among thieves Heinrich ALDEGREVER Flowers of Dover Gary HUME Large decorative panel in the Apollo Gallery, Louvre, ornament print Jean BÉRAIN the elder Consequences of an insurrection. Wretched child. Now you you see the result of your anarchistic ideas. You have yelled, Down with grammar and teachers! I regret the days when I taught you these concepts Honoré DAUMIER The Jayotype. Mr. Jay: The gentleman is married? The gentleman: Certainly, but how the devil did you know that? Mr. Jay: Oh, its that this instrument is perfect, no curve of the head, no bump on the forehead can escape it. The gentleman: How ingenious Honoré DAUMIER