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Samuel Manasseh Ben Israel REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Being wild Tao Hui Leaf from a Universal Chronicle: eight famous men UNKNOWN The Abbot Hans LÜTZELBURGER (woodcutter); Hans HOLBEIN the Younger (after) Study in blue and gold Frederick McCUBBIN At Elizabeth Bay Arthur STREETON The Adoration of the Magi Giovanni TOSCANI Tom and Jerry catching Kate and Sue, on the sly, having their fortunes told Isaac Robert CRUIKSHANK; George CRUIKSHANK Pieter Hogeretius van Horne, poet and Doctor of Medicine Jan SAENREDAM; Karel van MANDER (after) The golden flight Sidney FETTER Ode to alliteration Sidney FETTER The younger son Arthur BOYD Untitled (Bridge Strip NY) Jon CATTAPAN Black & white Robert CLINCH Mystics and prophets Eugene CARCHESIO Pamela leaves Mr B's house in Bedfordshire Antoine BENOIST (engraver); Joseph HIGHMORE (after) Fine scenery of Kyoto JAPANESE Kanagawa Utagawa KUNISADA; Utagawa HIROSHIGE Bartholomaeus Spranger and his wife Christina Muller Aegidius SADELER II St Francis beneath a tree, praying REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn The Death of the Virgin REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Self-portrait in a soft hat and embroidered cloak REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Roman arches at the church of SS Giovanni e Paolo Giovanni Battista PIRANESI A bustling place by Sumida River Utagawa KUNISADA II Tea and coffee service WEDGWOOD, Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent (manufacturer); SADLER & GREEN, Liverpool (decorator) View of the snowy bluff on the Wonnangatta River Eugene von GUÉRARD Europaeische Graphik I Reg BUTLER; Lynn CHADWICK; Henry MOORE; John PIPER; William SCOTT; Graham SUTHERLAND Kunwarrde Bim: Injalak Hill suite Graham Badari; Gershom Garlngarr; Gabriel Maralngurra; Roderick Maralngurra; Bardayal Nadjamerrek; Isaiah Nagurrgurrba; Glen Namundja; Wilfred Nawirridj; Joey Nganjmirra; Wesley Nganjmirra Language and chaos II Mike PARR Crossroads millennium portfolio of Australian Aboriginal artists Johnny Bulunbulun; Robert Cole; Kitty Kantilla; Mick Kubarrkku; Queenie McKenzie; Ada Bird Petyarr; Gloria Tamerre Petyarr; Ginger Riley Munduwalawala; Rover Thomas; Ronnie Tjampitjinpa; Turkey Tolson Tjupurrula; Judy Watson