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Sandbags/Texture, Kharkiv Hito STEYERL Boy in oriental robe Justin O'BRIEN Shirokiya Okoma and Obana Saizaburo Kitagawa UTAMARO Portrait of an old lady Françoise DUPARC Marginalia 4 Iñaki BONILLAS St Mansuetus Jacques CALLOT From the end of Miss Cunninghame's verandah Richard BUNBURY Vue d'une baraque Henri MONNIER The ‘rentier’ and his wife Eugène GUILLAUMOT (wood-engraver); J.J. GRANDVILLE (draughtsman) Charlotte Queen of Great Britain Gainsborough DUPONT; Thomas GAINSBOROUGH (after) Winter Utagawa KUNISADA Equestrian group Richard Barrett DAVIS The Stygian Lake, with the Ireful Sinners fighting William BLAKE Keep Australia Beautiful Pitcha Makin Fellas, Ballarat, Victoria; Trudy Fatnowna Edgeley; Ted Laxton; Alison McRae Autumn morning, South Yarra Frederick McCUBBIN Home again! Frank HOLL A suit of armour with horse saddle, stirrups and trappings JAPANESE The port of Le Havre Eugène BOUDIN First series: Some poets R. B. KITAJ A series of twelve profile portraits of Aborigines of New South Wales William FERNYHOUGH Europaeische Graphik IX Eduard BARGHEER; LE CORBUSIER; Giacomo MANZÙ; Henry MOORE; Christian RICKERT; Graham SUTHERLAND; Ossip ZADKINE Europaeische Graphik IV Eduard BARGHEER; Massimo CAMPIGLI; Otto DIX; Renato GUTTUSO; Erich HECKEL; Horst JANSSEN; Christian KRUCK; Gerhard MARCKS; Ludwig MEIDNER; Hans PURRMANN; Sergio VACCHI Black Hill Moss Charles HOLMES The Man of Sorrows in the arms of the Virgin Hans MEMLING 20 frog poems: Hill song (floury baker) for G. B. Robert MacPHERSON Australian childhood Geoffrey HARVEY Djapu (Fish trap at Wandawuy) Noŋgirrŋa Marawili Candlelight scenography Faye TOOGOOD Killigrant Richard BROWNE Epergne THOMAS PITTS, London (manufacturer)