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(Sussex Village) Fred WILLIAMS (Drawing for Accident) Fred WILLIAMS (Art student, Chelsea Polytechnic) Fred WILLIAMS John Berger Fred WILLIAMS A prisoner brought before authorities CHINESE Eidos Barbara HEPWORTH Picture frame design Elizabeth WILLIAMSON Petit Pont, Paris Charles MERYON A prisoner being restrained whilst torturers cut his Archilles tendons CHINESE (Profile portrait of man) Fred WILLIAMS (West Wittering II) Fred WILLIAMS Self-portrait Louis KAHAN (Head study, after Horace Brodzky) Fred WILLIAMS Fish trap at Gängan Durndiwuy Wanambi Eye and tears MAN RAY Atlantic Mimmo PALADINO Mr and Mrs B. Bradbrook (left) from Melbourne, have been coming to Rostrevor for 17 years. They make £7 daily between them. Here they enjoy lunch with veteran picker Frank Tyrell, who has been coming for 40 years to Rostrevor. Jeff CARTER He lives only for the night Peter ELLIS; Tobsha LEARNER (author) Quiet new religion Deborah WALKER Compassion Dr L. A. LOVE (Two seated girls) Georg TAPPERT The cinema Roberto Sebastian Antonio Echaurren MATTA Summer evening David LUCAS (engraver); John CONSTABLE (after) Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Saint Louis. 7. Colonnade of colossal statues symbolic of the Louisiana Purchase states, stereograph UNDERWOOD & UNDERWOOD, Ottawa, Kansas (manufacturer) A connoisseur George du MAURIER Agosto (August) Sean SCULLY The ripening season, wall hanging Koloman MOSER (designer) The River Seine at the bend of the mall Renier NOOMS The straw yard J. M. W. TURNER Double moonbow 2 Lesley DUXBURY