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Untitled G. STAFFORD Study Charles Samuel KEENE (Middle Brighton Beach, with figure studies) Lloyd REES Charles V of Austria UNKNOWN Study of a young girl Mary CASSATT Untitled Francois DIODATI Progress of virtue and vice (Plate 7) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Progress of virtue and vice (Plate 2) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Evening Robert GOFF Ecce Homo - Christ presented to the people (The Small Passion) UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) The Haymakers UNKNOWN Untitled (In December) Olga CHERNYSHEVA Ije ridime'e, vinohu'e, viojoje dehe, vison'e ohu'o shiha'u'e (Jungle ladder, bellybutton tattoo design, butterfly wings, nasal jewellery and fruit) Lila Warrimou (Misaso) Siha'e, jö'o sor'e ohu'o taigu taigu'e (Fruit, uncurling fern fronds and leaf pattern) Pauline-Rose Hago (Derami) Diwaka (Drum) Kebali Shield Mengen people, West Nakanai, West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea Minja figure Kwoma people, Washkuk Hills, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Bag HAZARA people Untitled Zacharias Waybenang Untitled David Saka Untitled David Saka Bag HAZARA people Bag HAZARA people Club Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Spatula / Clapper Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea