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Oedipus Glyn Warren PHILPOT Designs for the St Michael's Uniting Church (Melbourne) stained-glass window cycle Klaus ZIMMER Christ appears to his disciples William HATHERELL Still life S. J. PEPLOE First series: Some poets R. B. KITAJ A series of twelve profile portraits of Aborigines of New South Wales William FERNYHOUGH Europaeische Graphik IX Eduard BARGHEER; LE CORBUSIER; Giacomo MANZÙ; Henry MOORE; Christian RICKERT; Graham SUTHERLAND; Ossip ZADKINE Europaeische Graphik IV Eduard BARGHEER; Massimo CAMPIGLI; Otto DIX; Renato GUTTUSO; Erich HECKEL; Horst JANSSEN; Christian KRUCK; Gerhard MARCKS; Ludwig MEIDNER; Hans PURRMANN; Sergio VACCHI (Landscape with rainbow) Charles ROLANDO Landscape with a clump of trees Théodore ROUSSEAU The departure of the hop pickers Alfred MUNNINGS The bridge William Blamire YOUNG The heart of the Coolins, Isle of Skye Keeley HALSWELLE The Man of Sorrows in the arms of the Virgin Hans MEMLING Fern Tree Gully, Table Mountain, Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land John Skinner PROUT Noh mask, Shakumi DEME Mitsunaga Flat colour Sally MARSLAND Pūrnamaitrāyanīputra MUNAKATA Shikō The surrender of Ulm or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right understanding James GILLRAY London, from Greenwich J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Suit comprising jacket and skirt INĀRS LĀCIS, Melbourne (fashion house); Inārs LĀCIS (designer) River Arthur BOYD To mind the pigs Arthur BOYD Survival Arthur BOYD New Holland: Kangaroo Island. Emu of New Holland Frères LAMBERT; Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Molluscs and zoophytes Frères LAMBERT; Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) 10 chairs Simon KLOSE Vessels, weapons and fishing implements used by the natives of New South Wales. Claude-Marie-François DIEN (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Molluscs and zoophytes LAMBERT FRÈRES (engraver); Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR (after) Charity Heinrich ALDEGREVER