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Young woman walking to the right - Figures UNKNOWN; Salvator ROSA (after) The Langlauf Race, Mt Buller E. G. ADAMSON The girl with white hair CHANGYI PAPERCUT STUDIO, Yuhuan Herod's daughter ... UNKNOWN; C. HUTIN (after) Woman nursing child Jan Georges WILLE Working women, envelope CHINESE L' Apotheose d' Henri IV et la Regence de la Reine UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) Midas preferring Pan to Apollo is punished with asses ears UNKNOWN; Andrea SCHIAVONE (after) The Right Hon. Francis Egerton, Earl of Ellesmore K.G. UNKNOWN; George RICHMOND (after) St.Thomas - Christ and the Apostles Lucas van LEYDEN Sidney, Earl Godolphin UNKNOWN Earl of Aberdeen SKELTON & HOPWOOD Universal Exposition, Paris. 210. Horticultural garden, Pavilion of the Empress, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) Universal Exposition, Paris. 96. Italian statues and Russian exhibition (No. 5), stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) General Ireton UNKNOWN; COOPER (after) Bridge of Meuse at Namur UNKNOWN; G.. ARNALD (after) The Temptation of Christ Georg PENCZ Universal Exposition, Paris. Pavilion of Annam (Vietnam) J. LÉVY Universal Exposition, Chicago. Trocadero UNKNOWN Cupid - Nymphs UNKNOWN; Henry William Banks DAVIS (after) Animals at rest, boy on mule Francesco LONDONIO The Courtyard and Gateway of Richmond Palace Thomas Robert WAY The Music grinder UNKNOWN; J COLLETT (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; W VOXALL (after) First International Exposition of Modern Decorative Arts, Turin. 41. Japanese Cloisonne manufacture. Fashioning the vase from the crude metal. Japan, stereograph UNIVERSAL PHOTO ART COMPANY, Naperville, Illinois (manufacturer); C. H. GRAVES Universal Exposition, Paris. 433. View in the French Park, stereograph M. LÉON & J. LÉVY, Paris (manufacturer) World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago. Administration building C. D. ARNOLD, New York and Buffalo (studio) First Annual International Exhibition, London. 18. Cupid captive, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London (manufacturer) International Exhibition, London. Copeland & Co. porcelain purchased for the South Kensington Museum, stereograph LONDON STEREOSCOPIC CO., London Universal Exposition, Paris. Entrance to the Palace of Metallurgy and Mines, cabinet print UNKNOWN