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The Golden Age UNKNOWN; Abraham BLOEMAERT (after) Athena ready to depart for Ithaka - The Odyssey No III Oskar KOKOSCHKA Athena guides Odysseus to the Palace - The Odyssey No VIII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Sacrifice in Hades - The Odyssey No XIV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus' arrival on Ithaka - The Odyssey No XIX Oskar KOKOSCHKA Athena reveals Ithaka to Odysseus - The Odyssey No XXI Oskar KOKOSCHKA An Omen for Telemakhos - The Odyssey No XXIV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus fight with Iros the beggar - The Odyssey - No XXXI Oskar KOKOSCHKA Penelope's dream - The Odyssey No XXXV Oskar KOKOSCHKA Odysseus strings the bow - The Odyssey No XXXVII Oskar KOKOSCHKA Another parting - The Odyssey No XXXXII Oskar KOKOSCHKA The Circle of the Traitors. Dante's Foot striking Bocca dei Abbati William BLAKE The Circle of the Corrupt Officials. The Devils mauling each other William BLAKE What a tailor can do! Francisco GOYA y Lucientes A gift for the master Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Faust and Mephistopheles Charles CONDER Devout profession Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Venus UNKNOWN; TITIAN (after) Visitation Albrecht ALTDORFER Circumcision Albrecht ALTDORFER Faith Heinrich ALDEGREVER Venus Sebald BEHAM Mars Sebald BEHAM The Fountain of Youth UNKNOWN; Sebald BEHAM (after) Untitled - Illustrated Bible 1550-80 Andre (?) BERNARD, (LE PETIT) The Lamentation Albrecht DÜRER The Holy Kinship and Two Musical Angels Albrecht DÜRER The unjust judge DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman) The Pharisee and the Publican DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman) The unmerciful servant DALZIEL BROTHERS (wood-engraver); John Everett MILLAIS (draughtsman)