Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Burnt offerings in the Temple of Jerusalem from within the Court of the Levites Wenceslaus HOLLAR Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR M Wenceslaus HOLLAR (etcher); Francis CLEYN (after) A woman of Cologne Wenceslaus HOLLAR W William CARTER (attributed to) A man with a wooden leg turning a lame woman under his arm Cornelis MASSYS Virgin, child and a saint adoring God the father Bartolomé Esteban MURILLO (attributed to) The two gossips David DEUCHAR; Adriaen van OSTADE (after) Medea returning the Penates to Jason Georg PENCZ Seated child with doll Paul SANDBY Rearing Horse, near a Stable Dirck STOOP The Nativity Jacob Cornelisz van OOSTSANEN From the longships light house John RUSKIN; James Charles ARMYTAGE (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Landscape at dawn. Aurora Hendrik GOUDT; Adam ELSHEIMER (after) The Virgin and Child with Saint Clare and the Holy Spirit UNKNOWN; Justus SADELER (after) Samson destroying the Temple UNKNOWN View of inland waterway with fisherman Renier NOOMS The dog on the kennel James McNeill WHISTLER Portrait of a gentleman in a red coat Samuel COTES A married woman from Zurich Wenceslaus HOLLAR An unmarried woman from Basle Wenceslaus HOLLAR A woman from Basle Wenceslaus HOLLAR A bride from Strassburg Wenceslaus HOLLAR A city woman from Berne Wenceslaus HOLLAR (A Roman spinner) William GREATBACH; Penry WILLIAMS (after) The boy and dog William HUMPHREYS (engraver); Lawrence LAWRENCE (after) George, Earl of Egremont John Samuel AGAR (engraver); J. WRIGHT (draughtsman); Thomas PHILLIPS (after) Man Holding a Horse by the Bridle Dirck STOOP Saint Mary Woolnoth Church and Lombard Street Stanley ANDERSON Hogarth's Marriage à-la-mode, plate I Henry WHITE (wood-engraver); William HOGARTH (after)