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Mind and matter-of-fact Charles Samuel KEENE Never say, die Charles Samuel KEENE Those cool halls where psilas shuns the day Charles Samuel KEENE Sudden opening for a young man Charles Samuel KEENE A Point of view Charles Samuel KEENE The Reins of government Charles Samuel KEENE Elementary education. - The conscience cause Charles Samuel KEENE Book: Punch's pocket-book for 1879 Charles Samuel KEENE; John TENNIEL; Linley SAMBOURNE Book: Catalogue of Drawings by Leech,Keene,Tenniel and Du Maurier' Charles Samuel KEENE Book: The book of German songs, translated by H.W. Dulcken Charles Samuel KEENE Book: The work of Charles Keene by Joseph Pennell(1898) Charles Samuel KEENE Book: Coloured Chalk Drawings by Charles Samuel Keene (1947) Charles Samuel KEENE The Fourth estate Charles Samuel KEENE Man in Doublet Standing Holding Bagpipes Charles Samuel KEENE Portrait of Madam Zambaco drawing Charles Samuel KEENE An Old Cottage at Whitley Charles Samuel KEENE Veduta in profilo della citta di Roma .... UNKNOWN; Jean Paul PANNINI (after) Relief drawing of two figures Teisutis ZIKARAS Spiritualium pensonarum feminei sexus facta adiratione digna Albrecht DÜRER Ambrosii Opera (volume I) Albrecht DÜRER CAP PIECE (MONTENEGRO) OVERALLS PORTMANS Prospetto del Portico semicircolare della Villa Albani UNKNOWN; Jean Paul PANNINI (after) Prospetto degi Orti Farnesiani sul Monte Palatino UNKNOWN; Francesco PANNINI. (after) Quatuor Libri Anorum Albrecht DÜRER The waterfall John D. MOORE Panel fragment EGYPT The Imperence of them lower classes Charles KEENE LACE EDGING Graver UNKNOWN