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Atalanta's race UNKNOWN; Pet. LUCATELLO (after) Nymphs recovering the body of Leander UNKNOWN; Abraham BLOEMAERT (after) Colossus D. Michaelis Coelitum Taxiarchae UNKNOWN; Joannes REICHEL (after); Mattias KAGER (after) A Panel with dead game in a basket Benigno BOSSI Shepherd and a dog (A man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Die Jager (Plate 6) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Die Jager (Plate 11) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Die Jager (Plate 4) Daniel CHODOWIECKI Moses UNKNOWN; Cavaliere d’ARPINO (after) The Happy family UNKNOWN; Giovanni Battista CIPRIANI (after) St Andrew,St Jacob Lucas CRANACH I The Penitence of Saint Chrysostom UNKNOWN; Lucas CRANACH I (after) The Lamentation (The Large Passion) UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) Madonna Crowned by One Angel Albrecht DÜRER Madonna Queen of Angels Albrecht DÜRER St. Bartholomew Albrecht DÜRER Fashionable millinery UNKNOWN Public Promenade Dress UNKNOWN Paris Dinner Dress UNKNOWN La Terre UNKNOWN; Lud. de BOULLONGNE (after) The Judgement of Hercules (Herculis Judicium) UNKNOWN; Nicolas POUSSIN (after) Meekness (Comitas) UNKNOWN; RAPHAEL (after) George I (Georgius Mag. Britanniae Rex) UNKNOWN; Godfrey KNELLER (after) Decamerone - Giornata Quarta UNKNOWN; Thomas STOTHARD (after) Domestic scene (Ah! ah! notre future!) UNKNOWN; Hubert-François GRAVELOT (after) St Stephen UNKNOWN; PALMA il Giovane (after) Helena Forman, Rubens second wife UNKNOWN; Anthony van DYCK (?MEYSSENS) (after); Richard EARLOM (after) Pyramus and Thisbe UNKNOWN; Leonard BRAMER (after) Returning from market UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis UNKNOWN; R TOURNIERE (after)