Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Saint Nicholas, Prague Stanley ANDERSON Hail! The sun Ernest LUMSDEN Still life on a table Gino SEVERINI This is how it happened Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Truth has died Francisco GOYA y Lucientes The consequences Francisco GOYA y Lucientes This too Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Nor in this case Francisco GOYA y Lucientes Woman with a fan Pablo PICASSO November: Sagittarius; the month of feeding pigs MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) Matins: The Parliament of Heaven and the Annunciation MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) Compline: The Death of the Virgin MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) St Christopher MAÎTRE FRANÇOIS (illuminator); Jean DUBRUEIL (scribe) Study of a sleeping child, full-length Richard Parkes BONINGTON Study of a young woman, half-length Richard Parkes BONINGTON Flying folly Francisco GOYA y Lucientes The giant wheel Giovanni Battista PIRANESI The miraculous draught of fishes Schelte BOLSWERT (engraver); Peter Paul RUBENS (after) Venus, Cupid and a satyr Pierre AUDOUIN (engraver); CORREGGIO (after) Respectable Voter Georges ROUAULT The Strand William WALCOT Illustration for "Phormio", Act , scene 3 Albrecht DÜRER Luna Sebald BEHAM Patience Sebald BEHAM Herons UNKNOWN; Francis BARLOW (after) A recumbent wether and a standing goat Nicolaes BERCHEM Two sheep Nicolaes BERCHEM Landscape with the rape of Ganymede Jan SAENREDAM; Abraham BLOEMAERT (after) Apollo flaying Marsyas Jan van ORLEY Christ, Man of Sorrows, Mocked by a Soldier Albrecht DÜRER