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Mieux Vaut Tard Que Jamais Chez MARTINEZ The company of fools 27 Lorene TAUREREWA Study for Punch Almanack, 1866 Charles KEENE The Persian sybil from the Sistine ceiling Baccio BANDINELLI (attributed to) A group of standing figures Cavaliere d’ARPINO (attributed to) Woman carrying a child on her back Thomas BARKER (of Bath) Huddle Simon TERRILL Sesquicentenary portrait of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II Brian DUNLOP Soft cheeks woebegone Kushana BUSH Abandoned car Noreen Hudson Rama and Sita with the monkey army Jamini ROY On the beach Ethel CARRICK Drawing Charles KEENE Webo owo'gumine, vene vitwe, dewolor'e ohu'o ije bi'weje (Cooking dried cuscus paws, rope and boys chopping down tree branches) Fate Savari (Isawdi) Worro worre nioge, buboriano'e, sabu deje, mi'ija'ahe ohu'o ije bi'weje (Ancestor's turtle shell pendant design, with beaks of Blyth's Hornbill, spots of the wood-boring grub, wallaby’s tailbone and gardens) Fate Savari (Isawdi) Child’s cap TEKKE TURKMEN people Bag LAKAI UZBEK people Untitled David Saka Woman's mantle UZBEK people Headpiece TEKKE TURKMEN people Canopy or horse blanket UZBEK people Heart shaped dorsal pendant YOMUT TURKMEN / ERSARI TURKMEN people Ceremonial shield Abau people, West Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Female figure Abelam people, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Staff Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Bowl Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea Lime spatula Massim people, Trobriand Islands, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea