Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Processional cross Bernardo DADDI The bent tree Camille COROT A boat passing a lock John CONSTABLE The rainbow Jean Charles CAZIN The Holy Family Annibale CARRACCI Barge on the Oise, evening, Île de Vaux Charles-François DAUBIGNY The old bachelor Gerard PORTIELJE Portrait of J. J. Rousseau Baron François-Pascal-Simon GÉRARD The industrious 'prentice performing the duty of a Christian William HOGARTH Long rest craves provisions Wenceslaus HOLLAR Gisburne Church monuments Wenceslaus HOLLAR Three butterflies, a wasp and six insects Henri LE ROY; Wenceslaus HOLLAR (after) A woman of Lower Palatinate Wenceslaus HOLLAR David, Solomon and Rehoboam Lucas van LEYDEN Hector of Troy, Alexander of Macedon, Julius Caesar Lucas van LEYDEN Judah Jacques de GHEYN II; Karel van MANDER (after) Benjamin Jacques de GHEYN II; Karel van MANDER (after) Village romance Adriaen van OSTADE Judith and her servant with the head of Holofernes Georg PENCZ Adam and Eve hiding Crispijn de PASSE the elder; Marten de VOS (after) Providence and Justice Hans COLLAERT I (engraver); Marten de VOS (after) Noah's first vintage Crispijn de PASSE the elder; Marten de VOS (after) The Heart urged by Jesus, Lady World and Satan Anton WIERIX II Jesus seated on a chair holding an open book Anton WIERIX II Hashish smokers Honoré DAUMIER Abbe George-Paul Andrault de Maulévrier-Langeron Gaspard-Francois EDELINCK; L. de la MARE (after) The herring-packers' tower Renier NOOMS The straw yard J. M. W. TURNER Basle J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver) Dunstanburgh Castle J. M. W. TURNER; Charles TURNER (engraver)