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Sinister Stieg PERSSON Tapa cloth wrapping from god staff Rarotonga, Cook Islands The herdsman's cottage Samuel PALMER Chair 194 Adrain HEATH (designer); FRANCE & SØN A/S, Hillerød (manufacturer) Kadeem and Kyrone Tomoaki SUZUKI Bodkin case ENGLAND, London (manufacturer) Mimih spirits Paddy Compass Namadbara Kandakidj (Antilopine kangaroo) Curly Bardkadubbu Secretary bookcase ENGLAND (manufacturer) Namarrkon, Lightning spirit Bilinyarra Nabegeyo Tikar/Meja YEE I-Lann Side table from Tusmore House, Oxfordshire Giles GRENDEY (attributed to) Solidale, cabinet Adam Nathaniel FURMAN (designer); CAMP DESIGN GALLERY, Milan (manufacturer) Cape Barren Goose Lola Greeno Pair of Butterfly stools Sori YANAGI Maayama-li (make by hand) Julie Shaw (designer); Evonne Munuyngu (weaver); Lisa Lalaywarra Gurrulpa (weaver); Serena Gubuyani (weaver); Mary Dhapalany (weaver); Margaret Djarbalarbal Malibirr (weaver) The end Hugh HAYDEN Bäru, sacred fire design (Crocodile ancestor and sacred fire design) Wakuthi Marawili Tjangura, the Blue-tongued Lizard and Naraba, the gecko Unknown Guwarrtji ga warrawada (Hawksbill Turtle and Milkfish) Mithili Wanambi Jin-gubardabiya, Wangarr A-juwana (Pandanus mat at Wangarr A-juwana) England Banggala Wolma, the first thundercloud and the rain flooding the country Dawidi Djulwarak Wititj, the Olive python Philip Gudthaykudthay Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent David Milaybuma Brolga Dreaming Robin Nganjmirra Goannas George Merwulunlu Djahgurrnga Feast Bowl John Feroa Untitled Jumbo Dawulngarra Sectional table, model no. 523 Orla MØLGAARD NIELSEN (designer); Peter HVIDT (designer); FRANCE & SØN A/S, Hillerød (manufacturer) Nore lounge chair and ottoman Norman ARCHIBALD (designer); NORE FURNITURE PTY LTD, Bayswater, Melbourne (manufacturer)