Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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My wife has been a long time at this banquet….It's been the best part of forty-eight hours Honoré DAUMIER Even more indigestible than a lobster dinner is a gentleman who has a passion to sing a romance after the meal. (Reflections of a guest who is forced to listen) Honoré DAUMIER Insurrection against husbands is proclaimed as being the first and holiest duty in life Honoré DAUMIER You are looking for your trunk, Sir, it is there! Honoré DAUMIER An obliging guide Honoré DAUMIER The glowing article Honoré DAUMIER Mr Royer Collard Honoré DAUMIER Full again. I think they do it on purpose Honoré DAUMIER My goodness, I was about to go to bed. Fair Lady, we would be only too happy to assist at this event. Honoré DAUMIER They say that there are people who drink absinth in a country that produces such good wine as this. Honoré DAUMIER A pastime which never goes out of fashion Honoré DAUMIER The Martyrdom of John the Baptist Albrecht DÜRER Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg - The great cardinal Albrecht DÜRER Joachim and St Anne meet at the Golden Gate Albrecht DÜRER The Adoration of the Shepherds Albrecht DÜRER The Crucifixion Albrecht DÜRER The Madonna with the monkey Albrecht DÜRER The woman spinning Adriaen van OSTADE The Presentation in the Temple REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Abraham and Isaac REMBRANDT Harmensz. van Rijn Poor man's hearse, rich man's hearse Victor-Jean ADAM The Upper Half of a Swing Door Félix BRACQUEMOND Street on a rainy evening Pierre BONNARD Boulevard Pierre BONNARD All will fall Francisco GOYA y Lucientes What a golden beak! Francisco GOYA y Lucientes The Judge Hans HOLBEIN the Younger (after) St. Lawrence Martin SCHONGAUER Women herb gathering Lucien PISSARRO (engraver); Camille PISSARRO (designer) Women tending cows Lucien PISSARRO (engraver); Camille PISSARRO (designer)