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Self-portrait Rupert BUNNY Portrait of a lady Mariano Salvador MAELLA Agony in the Garden Albrecht DÜRER Richmond Peter DE WINT Scarcity of domestic servants or Every family their own cooks George CRUIKSHANK Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR Les Etudians de Paris. No. 27 Paul GAVARNI St. Peter Hans BALDUNG GRIEN The Angel at the Gate of Dis William BLAKE The Devils setting out with Dante and Virgil William BLAKE Capaneus the Blasphemer William BLAKE The guard wot looks arter the sovereign William HEATH Titlepage Wenceslaus HOLLAR Tom Price panorama from rocky outcrop C. Dudley WOOD The Porcupine Ant-Eater (Echidna) Frederick Polydore NODDER (etcher); Port Jackson Painter (after) Horse shadow Christine GODDEN Nankeen Night Heron Dacre STUBBS Inkstand JOHN EDWARDS III, London (manufacturer) Papageno Fred WILLIAMS The magnanimous minister chastising Prussian perfidy James GILLRAY Venus, Mercury and Cupid UNKNOWN The Industious 'Prentice a Favourite, and entrusted by his Master William HOGARTH The industrious 'prentice alderman of London, the idle one brought before him and impeach'd by his accomplice William HOGARTH Dragonflies and a bumble bee Wenceslaus HOLLAR Sir Isaac Newton Jacob HOUBRAKEN (engraver); Hubert-François GRAVELOT (engraver and draughtsman); Godfrey KNELLER (after) Glastonbury Wenceslaus HOLLAR; Richard NEWCOURT (after) The emotional side of him was undoubtedly in the ascendant A. S. COKE Frontispiece to the works of Bishop Liutprand of Cremona Cornelis GALLE II (engraver); Erasmus QUELLINUS (draughtsman); Peter Paul RUBENS (after) The ring Edward GOODALL (engraver); J. M. W. TURNER (after) Sir Edward Coke Jacob HOUBRAKEN (engraver); Hubert-François GRAVELOT (engraver and draughtsman)