Installation view of David Shrigley’s work <em>Really Good</em> on display in NGV Triennial from 3 December 2023 – 7 April 2024 at NGV International, Melbourne.<br/>
Photo: Sean Fennessy3<br/>
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Sunbury Rock Festival, couple standing, girl in sleeping bag Laurie WILSON Sunbury Rock Festival, Australia Day weekend Laurie WILSON No title (Country road, telegraph poles and tree clump) Laurie WILSON Clouds over snow fields, Falls Creek Laurie WILSON Angel of the Annunciation UNKNOWN Seated youth partly draped Pietro FACCINI (circle of) A girl standing UNKNOWN; GUERCINO (possibly after) No. 8 Eliza HUTCHISON Marquis de Mirabel Abraham BLOOTELING (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Mary Ruthven, Wife of Van Dyck Louis Ferdinand ELLE the elder (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Balthazar Gerbier Paulus PONTIUS (engraver); Anthony van DYCK (after) Chretien, Duke of Brunswick-Lunebourg Robert van VOERST (engraver); Daniel MYTENS (after) Michel Le Blon Theodor MATHAM (engraver) Henri Louis Habert de Montmor Claude MELLAN Portrait Of Montaigne Thomas de LEU Charles I of England William FAITHORNE (engraver) Spon Vol. I No. 1 – A Collection of Rott Robert ROONEY Jack Kerouac: Mexico city blues 8 Robert ROONEY Craps last tape - Spondee Book SB I Robert ROONEY Spondee Review Vol. I No. 3 Robert ROONEY The Spondee review, December to March 1961 Robert ROONEY Correspondence - Documents of the Spon new series No.1 Robert ROONEY The Spondee Review Robert ROONEY Documents of the Spon - A Play on the weeds by E. Pluribus Unum Robert ROONEY Children, Hawthorn East 3 Robert ROONEY Work I Volt Boris CIPUSEV Shepherd boy and sheep dog James WARD Self-portrait as Marina Abramovic with mugs Anastasia KLOSE Democratic Kings (Winged creature with bud-like head and skeletal legs with banner) Clifford BAYLISS Untitled (Fence, decorated building, carousel and figure) Clifford BAYLISS